Our motto, in humo virtus, intends to convey both the complexity and humble origins of our work: Virtue in Soil.
In a wider meaning, fertile land carrier of life or even life that generates life.
Plant litter that falls to the ground is reborn through an organic process called humification, which occurs owing to millions of saprophytic bacteria. The newly activated organic matter generates soil fertility and favours the luxuriant growth of other herbaceous and arboreous species.
Understanding this process means respecting the earth, life and their complex dynamics. Knowledge of their laws allows one to understand and manage production processes, from planting to harvesting, from winter pruning of the vines to winemaking. And, more generally, the pursuit of harmony involves our family, our co-workers and the people who, for some reason or other, are connected with our estate.
Complying with the laws, with domestic and European Community directives is only the first step.
For our estate, organic agriculture is, above all, a way of thinking that, if duly implemented, leads to a series of advantages that we can try to outline as follows:
1) Safeguarding life in all its complexity and beauty.
2) Cultivating in the awareness that vital dynamics are actively being changed.
3) Producing wholesome, natural and tasty food.
4) Living in harmony with the environment and its rhythms: heat, cold, light, darkness.
5) Recognising the signals that life sends across.
6) Using knowledge and technologies to reduce the impact of man and his work.
The first step towards organic certification was taken in 2000. Since then, through failure and success, we have recently achieved certification for the entire surface area of our estate, which stretches over more than 350 hectares.
Photosynthesis is the real engine of life on earth. Starting from water, the sun, the minerals in the soil, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, green plants produce vital energy and organic matter used for the growth of the plant and its fruits and, indirectly, by all living beings. From the revival of vegetation in spring to the pre-harvest period, our duty lies in protecting the leaves of the vines against parasitic fungi and insects to achieve the proper ripening of the grapes, using only
organic products and methods. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the family coat of arms includes a vine leaf!
When we sought to identify the productive potential of each plot of estate land, we carried out extensive reforestation activities substantially improving the layout of the ridges and the beauty of the landscape.
We planted wood- and fruit-bearing walnut trees, cherry trees, alders and ashes.
Another positive and not less important effect lies in enhancing the biodiversity of native flora and fauna, including bees, deer, wild boar and buzzards that thrive undisturbed.
A serious problem of hillside cultivations is the loss of agricultural surface soil rich in organic matter (humus) which is washed down by heavy rains. For this reason, among others, throughout the year we keep the vineyards with grass growing in alternate rows.
In the months of October-November, weather permitting, we sow legumes and grasses which are buried when in flower (a practice known as green manuring), to provide organic matter and the fixed nitrogen in the mycorrhizae of the roots of leguminous plants.
The wood obtained from the cultivation of the woodland and the clearing of roads and embankments is used in the thermal power plant servicing the manor and the farmhouse.
We are working to use the by-products of agricultural activities, such as marc, vineyard and olive grove prunings, straw and waste, to regenerate and reintroduce them in the production cycle..
Set on improving the hydrogeological conditions, which are particularly precarious due to the conformation of the soil, we have a well maintained, extensive and efficient rainwater drainage, network.
The photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the cellar provides 100% of electricity consumption.
The annual production of CO2 emitted in the production cycle is largely reabsorbed by the thousands of tons of plant material covering the estate’s land (primarily the woodland areas).